Zimbabwe Internet Service Providers Association


ZISPA (the Zimbabwe Internet Service Providers' Association) is an independent and voluntary association established to represent all the major ISPs in Zimbabwe and deal with matters relating to the provision of Internet access in Zimbabwe. ZISPA's mission is to provide a non-profit forum in which Internet Service Providers can address issues of common interest and interact with industry stakeholders so that end-users receive world-class service and industry participants earn a fair return on their investments.

ZISPA's main activities are:

    • Management of the CO.ZW domain registry on behalf of the Zimbabwe Internet community
    • Operation of the Zimbabwe Internet Exchange (ZINX)

CO.ZW domain names may be registered through any ZISPA member, including all major local ISPs as well as many web-related organisations. Non-Zimbabwean organisations may register by applying direct to ZISPA.




What is a domain name?

Benefits of registering a domain name

Choosing a domain name

Domain name registration procedure

Submission requirements (for registrars)

Processing of applications

ZISPA registration policies

Registration fees

Domain name disputes

Whois service

About ZINX

ZISPA operates ZINX, the Zimbabwe Internet Exchange, which provides for peering between local Internet Service Providers. This enables them to exchange traffic directly rather than routing it through third parties which may charge for the service. Peering between ZINX and other regional Internet exchanges is currently under consideration.

ZISPA members wishing to join ZINX should contact admin(at)zispa.org.zw for further details.

Copyright ZISPA 2016

Tel: (+263) 08677-190909

Tel: (+263) 0242-334111